Tuesday 3 June 2008

My view on the fabric of reality and einstein and others

I don't really know what am I writing about as I am neither a physicist or a scientist, I am simply, a film editor currently not working.
Few years ago I started reading about the quantum mechanics. Then I read some stuff from Penrose and some other books on the subject and I was simply taken into the subject. It seemed so life changing experience being able to think about the basics of everything.
As an artist , I may have a different view from the objective standpoint usually taken by the physicists, and I will try to lay it here so you can read and help me understand if I am wrong, and where.
Imagine a reality which has a resolution just as the monitor has one. let's call it the resolution of reality. Imagine that there is a periodic element in the existence, let's call it the frequency of the reality. And let's take the speed of light to see why it is never exceeding the c.
if you have 3 points A,B and C, and their frequency is 3hz a second, and you need to move A value into C, you will have trouble doing it in less than a second. So the speed of the transfer of information when you are not allowed to jump the space (from A to C directly) is not possible in less than a second. In that system,that speed is the ultimate speed, never exceeded.
If we take the Plank value as the smallest value a space can be divided in(speculating only). And if we know the speed of light as the highest possible in our system, than we can easily work out the frequency of our reality which will be c/h if I am not wrong with formulas. I just want to say that in order for the c to pass its distance in one second it will have to go through each of the h parts of the space which form its resolution. I believe google calculated it as

4.5244398 × 1041

parts of a second which I believe may give the frequency of our reality.
In this way, we have the space mapped, know why the c can not exceed its speed, and I will try to figure out if the gravity could be explained using this concept of frequency.
On philosophical point, this is very much what I believe as it uncovers the duality and the intelligence as values of the other state when this reality pauses, so the frequency and the alternating reality may explain the intelligence and the basic laws of the physics.
I may be naive or very simplistic , but it is not the technical point of this that intrigues me, it is the source of intelligence in the universe which I believe is coming from this altered state as result of the reality pulsing..
Any thoughts from anyone are welcome, and I will be happy to learn something more and if I am completely wrong in this, please do tell me.
In the meantime, I am writing a script so if this is completely rubbish please do tell me so I will stick to what I know in the future :)

Igor Jovchevski

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